Grant Panels

Have you ever considered being a grant panelist for our grants program? If not, maybe now is the time to start. Panelists get to learn about the many great arts organizations and museums that call Utah home.

Become a Grant Panelist!

While serving on a grant panel, you will learn more about Utah’s vibrant arts and museums community. It is also a great education in grant writing. If you are interested in being a panelist, fill out the Panelist Nomination Form to be placed on our list!

Panelist Nomination Form

Who can be a grant panelist?

Panelists are typically professionals who identify as artists, educators, arts administrators, museum professionals, folk artists, and community leaders. We strive to assemble panels that are inclusive of several communities/groups and which represent rural/urban representation, length of service in field, artistic genre, and size of organization represented.

What exactly do grant panelists do?

Good question! Grant panelists read and score grant applications. The scores provide the structure from which grant awards are made. Panelists have approximately three to four weeks in which to read and score 20-25 applications (depending on the application cycle). All work is done remotely. For a more detailed explanation of panelist roles and responsibilities please review our Panelist Packet.

How will I know if I am chosen to be a panelist?

After your panel nomination form is submitted, you will be added to our panelist database. The grants staff will use this database as they assemble panels for each grant opportunity. Submitting a panel nomination form does not guarantee you will be chosen to serve on a panel. If you are chosen, a member of the grants staff will contact you to confirm your availability and will provide further instruction for the grant review.

Where do grant funds come from?

The Utah Division of Arts & Museums (UA&M) is funded by the state of Utah and the National Endowment for the Arts. We provide grants to arts organizations, museums, folk artists, local arts agencies, and many other arts-based community organizations. UA&M acts as the steward of these state and federal grant dollars, and we work to ensure equitable access to these funds for organizations across the state.