Artist Bio

Joni Urry Wilson began dancing at an early age with the Virginia Tanner Creative Dance Program and the Children-s Dance Theatre at the University of Utah. Joni was awarded the ER Hayes scholarship in dance at the University of Utah, where she received her honors BFA and was cited with an Orchesis award for outstanding performance. Joni received her MFA in dance performance and choreography from Mills College in Oakland, CA.

She has taught dance to students of all ages and levels and most recently serves as a full-time dance specialist for the Tanner Creative Dance Program and the Children-s Dance Theatre at the University of Utah. Joni began dancing with Virginia Tanner as a child and has continued this unique, whole-child-centered training and philosophical methodology in her teaching. Joni specializes in creative dance for all ages and also enjoys teaching special populations. The philosophical basis that defines her work and artistry creates fun, inventive and purposeful experiences for her students. Joni offers classes for ages K-12, special population students, parent/child classes, teacher workshops, curriculum advisement, assessment and rubric development, and choreographic residencies.

She believes that when one has the true interest of children at heart there is a continual search for avenues to inspire, educate and increase their awareness of the world around them and give deeper meaning to their everyday lives. Dance is one of those channels! Available for residencies, teacher training, extended projects, collaborations with other artists, and short-term activities.

Joni Wilson


Joni Wilson



Joni Urry Wilson began dancing at an early age with the Virginia Tanner Creative Dance Program and the Children-s Dance Theatre at the University of Utah. Joni was awarded the ER Hayes scholarship in dance at the University of Utah, where she received her honors BFA and was cited with an Orchesis award for outstanding performance. Joni received her MFA in dance performance and choreography from Mills College in Oakland, CA.

She has taught dance to students of all ages and levels and most recently serves as a full-time dance specialist for the Tanner Creative Dance Program and the Children-s Dance Theatre at the University of Utah. Joni began dancing with Virginia Tanner as a child and has continued this unique, whole-child-centered training and philosophical methodology in her teaching. Joni specializes in creative dance for all ages and also enjoys teaching special populations. The philosophical basis that defines her work and artistry creates fun, inventive and purposeful experiences for her students. Joni offers classes for ages K-12, special population students, parent/child classes, teacher workshops, curriculum advisement, assessment and rubric development, and choreographic residencies.

She believes that when one has the true interest of children at heart there is a continual search for avenues to inspire, educate and increase their awareness of the world around them and give deeper meaning to their everyday lives. Dance is one of those channels! Available for residencies, teacher training, extended projects, collaborations with other artists, and short-term activities.