Arts Education Professional Development for K-16 Educators


Arts education offers many connections to resources for professional development offered through universities, school districts, arts companies and organizations of arts professionals. We highlight links to toolkits, lesson plans, curriculum development and funding to strengthen school arts programs.

Click HERE to access “Arts Education for America’s Students: A Shared Endeavor,” a joint statement that asserts the importance of high-quality arts education. The statement urges public policy leaders to provide a systemic and rigorous arts education for all students by leveraging the expertise and experience of multiple partners, including certified arts educators, certified non-arts educators and community arts providers.

Arts Education Professional Development sponsorships

These sponsorship awards are offered to support activities and events that provide training and professional development for Utah K-16 educators. Sponsored events should connect teachers and/or administrators with teaching artists. These events may be open to student or community participation as well. Review the AE Sponsorship Guidelines for more information about the types of events that qualify. Access the Sponsorship Application here.

Professional Development Calendar

To find professional development opportunities happening across the state for educators, access the Art Works for Kids statewide professional development workshops calendar.


Jean Tokuda Irwin
Arts Education Program Manager

Justin Ivie
Arts Education Coordinator 