Project Support Grants
Grants Frequently Asked Questions
Arts & Museums Project Grants
We are planning to open the FY26 Arts & Museums Project Grant in the Spring of 2025.
Please sign up for the ArtsMuse Newsletter to receive updates about our grants program.
The next Creative Aging Grant will open in August. Check back for updated information this summer!
What Can We Apply For?
The Creative Aging grant will support the artists and organizations who have participated in the training sponsored by UA&M, taught by Lifetime Arts*. Please see guidelines for all details.
Who Can Apply?
- IDEAL: An organization that has attended a workshop or online training by Lifetime Arts that works with an artist who has also attended the training.*
- Other optional configurations:
- Organizations that have attended the Lifetime Arts training, but choose to work with an artist that has not attended the Lifetime Arts training*
- An artist who has attended the Lifetime Arts training and plans to work with an organization that has not attended the Lifetime Arts training*
- An artist who attended the Lifetime Arts training and runs a program of their own.*
- Nonprofit organizations, government agencies, for-profit businesses, or individual artists may apply. However, it is UA&M’s preference to fund an organization. If an individual artist wants to host a class without a partner organization, please contact us for directions about how to complete the application.
- No funds may be used to pay for state agencies, including state parks or state-funded universities.
Can We See the Questions Before We Apply?
Yes! Please review the full grant guidelines before you apply.
GUIDELINES: FY25 Creative Aging Grant
Budget Form: FY25 Creative Aging Budget Form
How Do We Apply?
Once you have reviewed the guidelines and questions, you may apply through our online grant portal. You will need a portal account to access our grant applications. If you do not have one, please submit a new user request through the portal or contact the grants staff. Creation of an account can take up to two days.
When is the Grant Deadline?
Grant Opens: October 21, 2024
Grant Closes: November 18, 2024 at 5:00 p.m.
*If you missed previous training sessions, there is an on-demand 'Creative Aging Essentials' virtual training you can take. You can find more information about this training by clicking here.
The next Individual Artist Advancement Grant grant will open in July. Check back for updated information this summer!
Notifications: Applicants will be notified if they will be receiving funding by February 1, 2025.
Please use a DESKTOP computer to complete the application.
This grant is being offered to support the professional development and career advancement of individual artists. These grants are specifically designed to support artists by helping them take advantage of timely external professional opportunities and providing access to resources to advance their artistic careers.
Can We See the Questions Before We Apply?
Yes! Please review the full grant guidelines before you apply:
What Can We Apply For?
- Creation/design of marketing materials (professional photos, website, videos, recordings, etc. for publicity and marketing)
- Expenses associated with an exceptional learning environment such as a residency or intensive study with a recognized master/mentor. (Degree-bearing programs are not eligible)
- Framing, freight, shipping, or materials costs for gallery exhibitions
- Conference registration fees and/or associated travel costs
- Vendor license fees for professional artistic opportunities
- Purchase of equipment required for an artistic genre, such as musical instruments, regalia, sound equipment, canvas, paper, paint, studio lights, cameras, etc.
This list is not comprehensive. Please review the guidelines for more examples and information.
Online Q&A Meeting: We will offer two information sessions to answer questions that you may have about the application. Use the following links for the meetings:
- Information Session 1 - Wednesday, October 2nd at 6 p.m.
- Click Here to view this meeting
- This meeting took people through the application
- Information Session 2 - Tuesday, October 8th at noon
- Register Here
- This meeting will just be Q&A
Who Can Apply?
- Individual artists (see the guidelines for additional definitions) currently residing in and practicing in Utah, working in the following disciplines:
- Dance
- Design Arts
- Folk or traditional art forms in genres listed under “Eligible Artistic Disciplines”
- Literature
- Multidisciplinary Arts
- Music
- Performance Art
- Theater
- Visual Arts
When is the Grant Deadline?
Grant Opens: September 16, 2024
Grant Closes: October 11, 2024 at 5 p.m.
How Do We Apply?
Once you have reviewed the guidelines and questions, you may apply through our online grant portal. You will need a portal account to access our grant applications. If you do not have one, please submit a new user request through the portal or contact the grants staff. Creation of an account can take up to two days.
*Note: Cell phones and tablets may cause problems in completing the application, so do not use that type of portable device.
The next Folk Arts Apprenticeship Grant will open May 1. Check back for updated information this spring!
What Can We Apply For?
- Folk Arts Apprenticeships support master folk artists to work with an apprentice to share and preserve a traditional skill or art form. Funds up to $5,000. If awarded, all funds will go to the master artist.
Who Can Apply?
- Master folk artists/tradition bearers who are recognized within their community.
- If a master artist is approached by two apprentices, this should come in as one application.
- Emerging traditional artists and/or apprentices.
Can We See the Questions Before We Apply?
Yes! Please review the full grant guidelines before you apply.
Which Budget Form Should We Use?
How Do We Apply?
Applications can be submitted electronically or written by hand. Review the guidelines before you start your application. For online applications, if you have an account with our system, you may apply through our online grant portal, if you do not have an account submit a new user request through the portal or contact the grants staff. Creation of an account can take up to two days.
If you choose to apply by hand writing your application, please use this application form.
When is the Grant Deadline?
Friday, July 19, 2024 at 5:00 pm MST or postmarked by July 19th if filing handwritten application
The next Mentored Collections Project Grant will open in July. Check back for updated information this summer!
Application Requirement: Museums that intend to apply must have a preliminary conversation with a member of the Museum Field Services Team.
What Can We Apply For?
The purpose of the Mentored Collections Project Grantis intended to holistically address collections care in museums by providing funding for necessary supplies and project consulting support. Maximum request amount is $5,000, but in addition to the money the grant supplies for collections care, the funded museums will also receive a Preservation Site Assessment and ongoing professional consultations throughout the duration of the grant.
Who Can Apply?
- Utah-based Museums that:
- have been open to the public for at least one year prior to application
- have completed a final report for any previously received funds from Utah Arts & Museums
- have not applied for General Operating Support funding in the most recent round (FY24/FY25) or the FY24 Arts & Museums Project grant.
- Please note: state institutions such as heritage parks or state managed universities are ineligible for this funding.
Can We See the Questions Before We Apply?
Yes! Please review the full grant guidelines before you apply. (FY25 Assisted Collections Project Grant Guidelines)
How Do We Apply
Once you have reviewed the guidelines and questions, you may apply through our online grant portal. You will need a portal account to access our grant applications. If you do not have one, please submit a new user request through the portal or contact the grants staff. Creation of an account can take up to two days.
When is the Grant Deadline?
July 26, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. MST
Project grants are the only grants that can use a fiscal sponsor. Please review the guidelines for the grant you intend to apply for to ensure fiscal sponsorship is applicaple.
The grant guidelines provide information on the questions asked, eligibility, requirements and grant writing tips. Also, our friendly grants team is available to answer any questions!
Please contact Stephanie Rokich, Grants Manager, or Racquel Cornali, Grants and Data Coordinator, at [email protected].
Please refer to the following eligibility policies for more information.
Educational Institution Eligibility. K-12, universities, colleges, and other educational institutions are subject to the following restrictions:
- Programming for which grant funding is sought must be open to the general public and easily accessible. The public (meaning those outside the institution) must compose a significant percentage of those involved in or served by the activities.
- Academic awards and/or work, including fellowships, scholarships, or tuition fees for student work, are not allowed.
- Events and services funded by the grant must be supplementary to regular curriculum. Grant funds cannot be used to support projects involving classes or workshops for which college credit is given.
- Overhead expenses must follow the federal funding guidelines set by the Federal Office of Management and Budget.
- Institutions are limited to no more than one grant to the same academic department in any given fiscal year.
Legislative Pass-Through/Direct Line-Item Funding. The following criteria apply to organizations receiving pass-through or direct line-item funding (also known as legislative appropriations).
- Organizations that receive ongoing legislative pass-through funding for general operating support are not eligible for UA&M grant funding.
- POPS, iSEE, and State Museum Funding are not considered pass-through funding that is a duplication of funding by UA&M grants. Organizations receiving this type of funding may also apply for UA&M grants.
- Organizations that receive one-time legislative pass-through funding for operating expenses shall not receive UA&M funding in the same year they receive legislative pass-through.
- Grant requests from organizations that receive one-time pass-through funding for a specific project may be subject to review for eligibility by the Executive Committee of the Utah Arts Advisory Board or Utah Museum Services Advisory Board.
- Funds allocated by line-item pass-through from the legislature and UA&M competitive grants shall not be for similar activities.
- Organizations that receive a pass-through allocation from a department other than Culture and Community Engagement (formerly DHA) may be subject to review by the Executive Committee of the Utah Arts Advisory Board or Utah Museum Services Advisory Board if the activities seem similar to a grant application in the same year as the allocation.
- Organizations that receive pass-through funding for capital projects are eligible for UA&M funding.
You will receive a notification via email regarding the grant panels’ decision to fund your application.
Our grants staff is happy to answer any questions you may have. Feel free to call or email anytime!
Stephanie Rokich, Grants Manager
Racquel Cornali, Grants and Data Coordinator
Both can be reached at [email protected] or 801-663-8457.