Musicians standing on a stage in the distance with colorful lighting.


The Utah Department of Cultural & Community Engagement (formerly Department of Heritage & Arts), Salt Lake County Arts & Culture, and the Utah Cultural Alliance commissioned Y2 Analytics to conduct a survey measuring consumer confidence and willingness to return to live arts, culture, entertainment, and events following the COVID-19 pandemic. The majority of Utahns are currently very comfortable visiting stores …

Two women wearing black aprons and white face masks stand in an art storage facility holding a painting of a young brown-skinned girl in a pink dress with a piece of cake.

‘Sunday Best with Cake’

As a result of the earthquake that rocked northern Utah last March, the racking system in our ArtHaus storage facility was badly damaged. In the first few days following the earthquake, we remained uncertain about the status of the State of Utah Alice Merrill Horne Art Collection and if any pieces had been completely destroyed — thankfully, none were. During …

A white man wearing a dark grey shirt and white apron with short blond hair sits making pottery.

UA&M Secures New Funding for Creative Aging

The Utah Division of Arts & Museums (UA&M) recently secured new funding from a national grant program to advance creative aging programs for older adults in Utah.  Recognizing that older adults have many contributions to make to their communities — but that they often face ageism and isolation and have been disproportionately affected by COVID-19 — UA&M sought funding from …

Framed artworks are neatly displayed on vertical storage racks.

New Storage System at ArtHaus Post-Earthquake

Last year, northern Utah experienced an earthquake that resulted in damage to our racking system that stores pieces from the State of Utah Alice Merrill Horne Art Collection. About 70 percent of the collection is stored at our art storage facility, loving dubbed the ArtHaus, and at the time of the earthquake, there were close to 900 pieces of artwork …

A blonde woman in a blue cardigan cleans a Navajo basket in a collections care workshop.

NEH Grant to Support Humanities Collections

Our museums staff, in partnership with Utah Humanities, have been awarded a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities to create the Utah Community Preservation Program, which will train professionals across the state who manage cultural collections. One conservator will be hired to coordinate the program and serve as lead instructor for a series of 24 online and eight …

Our Director Honored by Sundance and Zions Bank

The 2021 Sundance Film Festival held a virtual Women’s Leadership Celebration to honor women who guided Utah through 2020. We’re delighted that our director, Victoria Panella Bourns, was selected to be among the honorees. Throughout 2020, Vicki led our organization with vision and compassion as we used our resources to help Utah artists, arts organizations, and museums navigate the pandemic. …

National Assembly of State Arts Agencies logo with photos of a bar graph, the U.S. Capitol, and people celebrating in a meeting.

How the Arts Drive Economic Recovery

The National Assembly of State Arts Agencies, in collaboration with the Western States Arts Federation and Prof. Douglas S. Noonan of Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, headed a research effort in light of the current challenges facing the United States economy to better understand the role of the arts sector. From NASAA:  “In recent years, data have emerged that reveal that …

An older woman with white hair, wearing a red sweater, holding a spray paint can.

Creative Aging Report

From our friends at Aroha Philanthropies: “The creative aging movement is gaining momentum, and we’re happy to share the evidence with you. In 2017, the National Guild for Community Arts Education surveyed their member organizations and learned only 8% of students were 65+, and less than 30% reported having any engagement with older adults. Knowing there will be more Americans over 65 …

An image of a world globe with a blue surgical mask attached as though it is being worn.

UA&M Response to COVID-19

Admin and Communications:  Collaborated with cultural partners on regular cultural sector virtual updates with Utah’s cultural community Began weekly e-newsletters to Utah cultural community with COVID-related resources Created & frequently updated  webpage containing COVID-19 resources Held series of virtual conversations with constituents, organized by area of interest: presenters, facility managers, Change Leaders, Local Arts Agencies, folk and individual artists, grantees …

People in a city sit on blankets in a park and watch an outdoor film.

Why We Engage: Attending, Creating, and Performing Art

The National Endowment for the Arts has released “Why We Engage: Attending, Creating, and Performing Art,” a report analyzing data from the 2017 Survey of Public Participation in the Arts and the 2016 General Social Survey to identify common motivations and barriers for adults in deciding whether to participate in arts activities. Give it a read!

A band plays on a stage at a parking lot concert. Viewers are spread apart sitting in or around their cars.

Create In Utah, Phases 1 & 2

Using funds appropriated by the Utah Legislature from the federal CARES Act, our agency has given Create In Utah grants to 122 organizations affected by the loss of concerts, live theater, cultural events, and tourism. The funding must be partially used to host an event or activity that will increase visitors and tourism. Through these allocations, the legislature is investing …

A graphic image advertising Artists Sunday. The text reads, "Thanksgiving Weekends November 20,2020 Featuring Artists From Across the Country. Discover New Artists and Craftsmen at"

Shop Local on Artists Sunday

The Utah Division of Arts & Museums is supporting the first annual Artists Sunday, a nationwide event on the Sunday after Thanksgiving, November 29, encouraging consumers to shop with artists and craftspeople. It’s like Black Friday or Small Business Saturday, but for shopping for art. Shop with local artists and give something special, unique, and hand-crafted this holiday season. By …