A jazz trio performs at an outdoor venue.

Kudos to Utah TourWest Grantees

The Western States Arts Federation (WESTAF) recently announced the recipients of their TourWest Grant program. We are thrilled that Utah will receive the highest number of grants, as well as the largest amount of funding that the state has ever received.  Twenty-nine performing arts presenters from across the state will share in the 100k+ amount that Utah is being awarded. …

A painting of a young girl in a pink party dress holding a piece of cake on a blue checked background.

Five for 125 

We at the Utah Division of Arts & Museums are celebrating our agency’s 125th anniversary in 2024. The division has been acquiring art by Utah artists ever since its founding in 1899, and we’d like to share five highlights from the division’s collection, known as the State of Utah Alice Merrill Horne Art Collection. This collection now includes more than …

A group of people poses for the camera in an outdoor plaza.


ALF ENGEN SKI MUSEUM GETS A LIFT FROM FIELD SERVICES, AMERICAN INSTITUTE FOR CONSERVATION Our Museum Field Services team works closely with Utah Humanities and the Utah Historical Society, regularly joining forces to work as partners. Together, we share staff to support statewide efforts to preserve and improve access to collections by lending technical assistance to Utah’s museums and collecting …

Headshots of two women side by side.

Our Thanks to Caitlin and Krista!

Eighteen years of cumulative service were recently celebrated as two members retired from the Utah Division of Arts & Museums board. Staff and board members honored them with the following thoughts: Caitlin Gochnour (2014-24, chair 2020-22)Caitlin has been the quintessential board member, committed to all Utahns. Caitlin’s broad range of experience, practicality, and the high level of dedication to board …

Hands typing on a laptop keyboard.

SAM.gov Registration

All organizations looking to apply for a grant from the Utah Division of Arts and Museums (UA&M) need a Unique Entity ID (UEI) from SAM.gov, the System for Award Management (SAM) administered by the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA). There is no cost to apply for a UEI on the government website, SAM.gov. Once registered, your UEI will act as …

Two men smile for the camera.

Welcome to Our New Board Members

Our Utah Arts Advisory Board is pleased to announce the appointment of two new members, Dr. Samuel Tsugawa from Utah County, representing music, and John Ballard from Salt Lake County, representing theater. Dr. Samuel Tsugawa is an associate professor of music education at Brigham Young University, boasting a 28-year career in musical education. Samuel holds bachelors and masters of music …

A group of student dancers poses onstage.

Living Folk Arts for Kids and Adults

Our Arts Education Program and Folk Arts Program received an unexpected funding increase. The staff instantly responded by sending folk artists into classrooms, community centers, museums, and a Head Start program. Beginning in September, artists went throughout Utah, from Smithfield to Bluff, Altamont to Clearfield, Perry to Spanish Fork, Provo to Green River, and beyond. Kids through adults enjoyed learning …

Four women have a conversation in front of a museum display case.

Our Utah Collections Preservation Program Receives NEH Funding

We’re pleased to share that, in a competitive process, Utah Arts & Museums’ Utah Collections Preservation (UCP) program has received funding from the National Endowment for the Humanities’ Preservation and Access Education and Training grant program. Our UCP program will receive $350,000 over three years, from March 2024 through February 2027. This is our agency’s second consecutive award for this …

A black-and-white photo of a woman smiling at the camera.

A Fond Farewell to Jill Remington Love

We are sad to say good-bye to Jill Remington Love, who will be leaving her post as executive director of our parent department, the Utah Department of Cultural & Community Engagement, at the end of December 2023. Under Jill’s leadership, the Utah Division of Arts & Museums has thrived. She knew all the staff personally in the department and led …

A large group of people in an outdoor setting smiles for the camera.

UA&M Arts Education team hosts national arts education conference

UA&M’s Arts Education program hosted the annual gathering of the National Association of State Arts Agencies (NASAA) arts education managers from across the U.S. and territories, here in Salt Lake City, Nov. 7-9. The gathering was a resounding success, with some colleagues declaring, “We’re still walking on air!” The convening allowed our agency to share several arts organizations and stellar …

Arts and Economic Prosperity 6.

Arts & Economic Prosperity 6 (AEP6) Data

The newly released Arts & Economic Prosperity 6 (AEP6) is an economic and social impact study of the nation’s nonprofit arts and culture industry. Building on its 30-year legacy as the largest and most inclusive study of its kind, AEP6 provides detailed findings on 373 regions from across all 50 states and Puerto Rico — ranging in population from 4,000 …

An abstract copper sculpture in a marble hallway.

Artworks made of original Capitol dome copper installed back in the Capitol 

In 1980, a powerful windstorm with gusts of up to 70 mph caused segments of the Utah Capitol dome’s original copper cladding to fly off, and much of the copper that remained was damaged. The copper cover was then replaced. Seeing the recovered material as an opportunity, the state held an art competition to use the salvaged material. Governor Scott …