Coins spilling out of a jar onto a table.

Governor Includes UA&M Requests in His Budget

We’re pleased that Governor Cox has included several items for our agency in his 2023 budget request. Read the details below.  $75,000 – New Art Transportation Vehicle (one time) $300,000 – Alice Merrill Horne Art Acquisitions and Management (ongoing) $1M – Ongoing for UA&M Grants Budget   $4M – One Time for UA&M Grants Budget

A brown brick office building.

We’re Moving

As of January 23, 2023, our agency will be housed in our new temporary location at 3760 South Highland Drive, Millcreek, UT 84106. Some of you might be interested in the plans for our new permanent location. We are receiving support from the Division of Facilities and Construction Management and the Governor’s Office as we analyze our space needs and …

A group of adults performs a routine with their hands in the center of a circle.

Our Creative Aging Program in NASAA Newsletter

We were delighted to see our Creative Aging Program highlighted in a recent National Assembly of State Arts Agencies (NASAA) newsletter. Here’s what they had to say: “The Utah Division of Art and Museums (UA&M) used its grant funding and an additional $48,699 in state funding to host the A Lifetime of Arts Elevated initiative. UA&M hired Lifetime Arts, a national leader in creative aging …

A group of people attending Utah Philanthropy Day smile for the camera.

Heart & Hands Awardees

Utah Arts & Museums is proud to recognize three of our board members – Carl Camp, Marcia Price, and Caitlin Gochnour – with the “Heart & Hands” awards. These awards are presented annually at Utah Philanthropy Day, held this year on Tuesday, November 15. Marcia PriceMarcia Price is dedicated to Utah’s arts community and has been leading the charge to …

A bearded man in a plaid shirt and ball cap speaks in front of a sign that reads, "Welcome to the Touch Gallery."

Staff Highlight: Ian Hallagan

Ian Hallagan is our new Folk Arts Coordinator, overseeing our Folk Arts Program and the Chase Home Museum of Utah Folk Arts. Ian received his MA in performance studies from Texas A&M University in 2016 and his BA in folklore and ethnomusicology from Indiana University in 2014. Ian has worked as Programs Coordinator for Texas Folklife, where he oversaw the …

A group of people, some holding certificates, smiles for the camera.

Jean Tokuda Irwin Receives NASAA DEI Award

We’re thrilled that our Arts Education Manager, Jean Tokuda Irwin, was recently honored with the 2022 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Individual Award from the National Assembly of State Arts Agencies (NASAA). Jean truly incorporates our agency’s values of collaboration, openness, and excellence in all her work. Claudia Borjas, our former Arts Education coordinator and Utah’s first Poetry Out Loud champion, …

A group of actors in colorful 18th-century costumes takes a bow in front of an audience.

Utah SVOG Recipients

One hundred and fourteen Utah institutions were significantly helped by the influx of funding from the federal Shuttered Venues Operating Grant (SVOG) in 2021. The total amount awarded to Utah cultural groups was $164,556,613. We’re pleased that Utah cultural organizations were awarded this much-needed assistance. List of 2021 Utah SVOG Recipients Image: “Beauty and the Beast” at Tuacahn Center for …

National Arts and Humanities Month.

October is National Arts & Humanities Month

Each October, we’re thrilled to join the entire nation in celebrating National Arts & Humanities Month and National Book Month. On September 30, President Biden issued a proclamation designating October 2022 as National Arts and Humanities Month in celebration of the significance of the arts, humanities, and museum and library services to our nation.  The Proclamation includes the announcement of a new Executive …

A painting of the interior of a theatre in the 1890s depicting an audience watching a ballet performance.

Donor’s Corner: ‘Salt Lake Theatre’ by E. Merrill Van Frank

This month in our ArtsMuse newsletter, we’re featuring “Salt Lake Theatre,” a work from 1947 by E. Merrill Van Frank, donated by Sheila and Megan Van Frank. This is part of a collection of murals created by Van Frank for Auerbach’s Department Store. The murals were displayed in their downtown Salt Lake retail space in celebration of Utah’s 1947 centennial …

A red rock desert landscape.

Mapping Literary Utah

Our Utah Poet Laureate 2017-2022, Paisley Rekdal, expanded on her Mapping Salt Lake City project to create a wonderful literary resource called Mapping Literary Utah. This beautiful website is a collection that aims to chart the state’s expansive literary landscape, encouraging readers to explore connections between authors, their creative work, and their environments, or even between different authors attached to the same place over time. The site has …

People on the porch of a historic red brick house with white trim.

Farewell to the Glendinning Home

On October 19, 2018, the Utah Division of Arts & Museums celebrated 40 years in its main offices, located in Salt Lake City’s historic Glendinning Home at 617 East South Temple. Now, after 44 wonderful years, our agency will be moving from the Glendinning Home. To read more about the 40th-anniversary celebration of the agency’s tenure in 2018 – including …

A woman poses with an outdoor sculpture of a mama bear and her cub.

Putting Museum Social Impact on the Map

Over the last two years, our staff has been busy advancing the museum social impact work piloted in Utah. In partnership with Thanksgiving Point Institute, the Utah Division of Arts & Museums received an IMLS National Leadership Grant for the Measurement of Museum Social Impact (MOMSI) project. MOMSI is currently working to measure social impact at 38 museums across the …