Work by Jacqui Larsen, Heidi Moller Somsen, and Richard Gate
JUNE 21 – AUGUST 30 2019
From the artists: “On the one hand, Time + Materials sounds like the banal calculation of a greedy plumber hoping to charge a hapless customer twice what she can afford. On the other, it conveys the Sisyphean task of the artist: how to trap what is fleeting and ineffable in the physical world? In this exhibition of sculpture, monoprints, painting and collage, three artists re-purpose images and archetypes, while responding to the inherent idiosyncrasies of their materials.
In Heidi Moller Somsen’s sculptures, the texture of things—the responsiveness of the clay, the resiliency of rubber inner tubes, the translucency of resin—act as catalysts in the attempt to make peace with time—to slow it down, be still, and preserve the moment. Richard Gate’s large-scale monotypes draw imagery from natural, scientific and metaphysical worlds, bringing dragonflies and lilies and DNA helixes into the same conversation, and asking the where and why of who we are. And finally, the discarded ephemera of daily life—scraps of clothing, postcards, family photos, even thought fragments—recombine in Jacqui Larsen’s tessellated collages and paintings, nudging our buried memories to surface in flashes of recognition resembling hope.”
*Featured image: Jacqui Larsen, Almanac of Hope (+ Despair), Collage, oil & acrylic on panel, 2019