Work by Emily Fox King
MARCH 9 – MAY 4, 2018
In Florescentia, these floral paintings in oil express Emily Fox King’s own brand of femininity: bold, colorful, awkward, wonky, explosive, varied, and overwhelmingly gorgeous.
Fox King says, “I’ve been working on a floral theme lately in my painting and believe this imagery corresponds to where I am in my life right now at thirty-five-years-old. The floral paintings are self- portraits. They are me embracing my femininity, sexuality, fertility, and the more decorative aspects of my life. In the past six years I’ve married, birthed two babies, and slowed down on my career path in order to care for children, be a wife, and maintain a household. I’ve always considered myself independent and not a “fru-fru” kind of girl. No nail polish, plucked eye-brows, or lace dresses for me: not merely an “eye candy” kind of girl, devoid of a personality. Translating that into my painting I always avoided decorative work- things that my mom would want to hang on the wall. In art school I painted people with scary teeth, a woman holding a dead chicken, creepy dolls, and fat ballerinas. I resisted making things that are seen as merely “nice.” I’m ready to be nice now. Bring on the floral paintings! Babies! Casseroles! Mini-vans! It’s okay.”
*Featured image: Emily Fox King, Parmelie Comtois, Oil on canvas, 2017