Work by Paige Crosland Anderson, Namon Bills, Jeffrey Hale, Stephanie Hock, Hillary W. Jacobsen, Abraham Kimball, Steve McGinty, Jeffery R. Pugh, Bruce Robertson, Heidi Somsen, Steven Stradley, Claire Tollstrup, Justin Wheatley, and Clinton Whiting.
JANUARY 19 – MARCH 9, 2018
Art in the Home makes original art accessible to individuals and families who appreciate art but may not have the resources to acquire pieces of their own. Fourteen professional artists generously donated paintings and sculpture to be exchanged for objects with families who do not own original art. Their purpose in exchanging artwork for objects was to discover the effect of original art on the lives of people who cannot buy original works of art.
Each family or individual could choose from a selection of artwork, and then provide an object from their house for exchange. Although they had no restrictions on the object they exchanged, many participants chose something sentimental or personally meaningful. Many of the exchanged objects appear ordinary, but under the surface they are rich with meaning.
After living with the artwork for a month, the participants answered a survey reflecting on their experiences of having art in their homes and the impact of trading their items for art.
The exhibit includes representational figurative and landscape paintings, abstract works, and sculptures, hanging alongside the objects traded by the participants, as well as a participant’s survey describing the experience of living with original art.
*Featured image: Tin ; Jeffery Hale, Heather, Oil on panel, 2017