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SAM.gov Registration

All organizations looking to apply for a grant from the Utah Division of Arts and Museums (UA&M) need a Unique Entity ID (UEI) from SAM.gov, the System for Award Management (SAM) administered by the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA). There is no cost to apply for a UEI on the government website, SAM.gov. Once registered, your UEI will act as a unique identifier that never expires. 

Here’s what you need to know about applying for a UEI.

What is SAM.gov?

The System for Award Management, SAM.gov, is an official government website that allows organizations to create a Unique Entity ID (UEI) to conduct business with the federal government. It is facilitated by the Integrated Award Environment (IAE), which is a part of the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA). Learn more about IAE from the GSA website.

What is a UEI?

A Unique Entity ID (UEI) is a 12-character alphanumeric identification number assigned to “prime contractors, organizations, or individuals applying for assistance awards, those receiving loans, sole proprietors, corporations, partnerships, and any U.S. federal government agencies desiring to do business with the government.”¹ 

Why do I need a UEI?

A UEI is necessary for organizations to do business with the government and provides the ability to apply for grants. If you may be applying for federal grants or loans, you will also need active registration in SAM.gov. Submitting a registration and creating a UEI is free on SAM.gov. Learn more about the difference between only getting a UEI and “registering” on SAM.gov at the Federal Service Desk website

For UA&M grants, a UEI is sufficient; you do not need an active registration. 

How do I obtain a UEI?

There is no cost to obtain a UEI from SAM.gov, and once assigned, your UEI never expires. However, there are several third-party companies that will charge you to register a UEI. Read more about third-party registration below (INSERT: anchor link).

Get started on the SAM.gov website at https://sam.gov/content/entity-information. You will need to provide your legal business name and physical address to get a UEI. The government has also created a resource for “How does the Unique Entity ID get assigned?”. This video from the General Services Administration explains how to get a UEI in SAM.gov.

More about third-party UEI registration

You or your organization may receive renewal notices about SAM.gov registration from third-party companies. These communications can look very official and include specific details about your organization or status in SAM.gov. Third-party companies are able to access these entity details from SAM.gov, as it is a public site. Beware of potential scams, stay vigilant, and always conduct due diligence. 

Remember: There is no cost to register or obtain a UEI from SAM.gov. 

General tips for getting a UEI 

Navigating the process for getting a UEI may be confusing. Here are a few tips and resources: