Headshots of two women side by side.

Our Thanks to Caitlin and Krista!

Eighteen years of cumulative service were recently celebrated as two members retired from the Utah Division of Arts & Museums board. Staff and board members honored them with the following thoughts:

Caitlin Gochnour (2014-24, chair 2020-22)
Caitlin has been the quintessential board member, committed to all Utahns. Caitlin’s broad range of experience, practicality, and the high level of dedication to board service with UA&M has been amazing. A staunch advocate for our rural constituents, she always reminded us to consider both the needs and assets of all Utah residents and how we could work more effectively together. Her capacity to seek clarity and ask hard questions with kindness has served us well, especially as board chair during the first years of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Krista Sorenson (2018-24)
While Utah is so fortunate to have champions for arts and culture, Krista is also a major champion of arts education in all disciplines. Krista has served and currently serves on multiple boards, yet she has still found time to make so many contributions to our agency. Her perspective as a champion of arts and museums who has served with other arts and cultural agencies has been invaluable.